Friday, May 27, 2011

Unoffical "Get it off your chest" Blog

Well some people in the world, (like myself) harbor ANGER and other things inside that can really eat at your guts, and that is something that is not good for you. So this is the UNOFFICAL blog-post to air it out, let it go, my blog is you play ground let it rip, get that Stuff off your chest punch your neighboor in the face, or whatever you want to do and lets hear it..


  1. I hate those people who always take things too seriously.

  2. I hate being unemployed , but that's gonna end soon

  3. Similar to Watchtower--I hate being unemployed when all these rowdy high school kids who don't even have their own car, not to mention their learner's permit, get jobs over me: A College kid who owns his own car, has training in customer service AND food handling. I also give my employer a tax break of 1500$ If I'm hired and they STILL say no...angry lol

  4. I hate that I have an opportunity in life and know exactly what I need to do to achieve it, but for some reason I can't get myself to do that one thing.

  5. That's a good thing, people around me think I never get mad or anything. Actually, doing martial arts helps a lot in it, all the stress goes out at that time!
    I'm unemployed too ... but I don't really care and do my own projects (and try to sell them) which gives me enough to live.

  6. I hate fucking women yet need them.. More accurately, I hate attention whores and since all females crave attention...

  7. I hate customers who bitch about how our policies are unfair or get angry when they owe money for something when its obviously their own fault, I'm a cashier assholes go complain to corporate

  8. I'd really like to punch my neighbor in the face if he wouldn't probably shoot me or stab me. Druggie neighbors suck.
